Dear Parents & Caregivers,
At Pardes Day School we believe that all children strive to do well. When we see students who are unable, meet social-emotional, academic or behavioral expectations, we know that there is an undeveloped or underdeveloped skill in that area preventing him or her from doing their best. Many schools are ill-equipped to deal with these students' needs and challenges. We decided that our school must be the place where those children can develop these necessary skills and that we would create a proactive framework in order to help them do just that. It is this desire that led to the creation of LeHashlim.
Gan Katan, and in turn, Pardes, has always been a place for all children. Last year we ran a pilot inclusion program for students who required additional support in the classroom and we also brought in reading specialists and an online program for students diagnosed with dyslexia. While it wasn’t a formal program, it was very successful. Most of the students who were involved in the program were able to scaffold back the amount of needed assistance they would receive for this upcoming school year. We saw tremendous growth in these students and want to systematize the support we are able to provide so that more students can take part and benefit from it. We also want to create evidence-based practice by collecting data and using that data to drive our decisions.
There are a few beliefs and practices that make our program unique. The first is that we must create a multi-tiered wrap-around system of support. That means that students must have individualized, thoughtful interventions at school and at home in order to be successful. School, parents and service providers must all communicate and work together. The second is that students receive as much of their support as push-in rather than push-out. This is a departure from many schools where students are removed from the classroom and taken to resource rooms in order to receive services. While this is necessary sometimes, we welcome therapists, tutors and other support staff into our school and classrooms so that students may be with their peers and notice the support as little as possible. Another important aspect is that we are not married to any one method. While we do have interventions and supports that have been successful in the past that we rely on, we will use any method that will help a child be their best self. Our ears and hearts are open.
All of these beliefs led us to create this very special framework called LeHashlim. Lehashlim means to complete in Hebrew, and our mission is to work with the whole child to make school and beyond as enriching and joyful as possible. We chose a verb rather than a noun to show the ongoing dedication and action that we commit to for each child. We thank you for partnering with us as we embark on this very rewarding and exciting journey with our students.
With Gratitude,
The Pardes Administration Team