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Student Handbook 2023-2024
Our MissionPardes Day School focuses on creating a loving Jewish-based learning environment, where students are taught with caring, warm, and nurturing love that defines Judaism and where every child and family feels important and respected. Our curriculum reflects a core base of knowledge and skills in both General and Judaic Studies which will serve as a foundation for their continued learning. Our guiding principles are based on a love for Hashem, Torah, Mitzvot, Eretz Yisrael, and every human. We recognize the uniqueness of each of our students and thus aim to provide an environment where each child is given the opportunity to flourish in his or her own way and at their own pace. Blended groups and hands on learning allows the children to be given the attention and focus that they each deserve, as this methodology serves to ensure proper social emotional behavior as well as academic success.
Student ExpectationsRespect oneself and others Be honest in all interactions Be sensitive toward others Communicate appropriately
Parents ExpectationsBe a partner in your child’s education Be supportive of the teachers Be supportive of your child/ren Communicate effectively about your child
School HoursSchool starts PROMPTLY at 8:30AM every day. DROP OFF starts at 8.15 and should take place at the elementary school campus. Middle School students will be walked to the middle school building in shifts with a staff member. School ends at 3:40 PM Monday through Thursday. School ends at 2:00 PM on Fridays Unless you are signed up for early care, please wait inside your vehicle with your child until 8:15. You may NOT leave your child in the driveway with the guard. The afternoon carpool begins at 3:45 at the elementary school campus and ends promptly at 4:00. Arriving after 4:00 is considered late. Friday carpool begins at 1:45 and ends promptly at 2:00.
Attendance, Tardiness and AbsencesRegular attendance is essential for effective learning! For the proper functioning of the school and in order to ensure your child’s success, it is crucial to bring your child to school EVERY DAY and ON TIME (within the drop off time window). Attendance and tardy records are kept and will be reflected on report cards. Being on time teaches respect for oneself and others, accountability, obligation, responsibility as well as the importance of promptness. When a child misses learning time it can be detrimental to their academic, social and emotional success. Leaving School Students are not permitted to leave the school premises. A parent who wishes to pick up his/her child during the day should notify Mr. Geoff. For any scheduled early pick or late drop off, the school must be notified before 2:45pm.
Health and illnessHere are the illness policies followed at Pardes Day School. We ask that for the health of your child and all the children in the school that you read this and adhere to it honestly. If you suspect that your child has ANY contagious illness please call us right away so we can take preventative measures to stop the spread of any such illness. Fever: Children will be sent home if their temperature is 100.0 or higher and must stay home the next day for observation. Children must be free of fever (any temperature above 98.6 degrees) for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. The same policy applies if your child develops a fever at home. They must be fever free (any temperature above 98.6 degrees) for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. Rash: Any rash other than a common skin irritation will require that child to be sent home for an evaluation and diagnosis from their doctor of exactly what it is. They may return to school based on that doctor’s evaluation, and clearance that it is not contagious. Conjunctivitis (pink eye): Children will be sent home if there appears to be an unusual amount of discharge from or irritation to their eye(s) and must stay home the next day for observation. Before returning to school they will need an evaluation and diagnosis from their doctor of exactly what it is. If the diagnosis is BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS children must have received at least 24 hours of treatment. If the diagnosis is VIRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS your child may return AS LONG AS THERE IS NO DISCHARGE. If in fact they do not have “pink eye” we need a doctor’s note with a diagnosis and a clearance that it is not contagious. Diarrhea: Children will be sent home if they have two or more loose bowel movements in one day and must stay home the next day for observation. Before returning to school (after the day of observation) children must be free from diarrhea for 24 hours with at least 1 regular bowel movement. If your child has one or more loose bowel movements on their first day back they will again be sent home. Vomiting: Children will be sent home if they vomit and must stay home the next day for observation. Before returning to school (after the day of observation) children must be symptom free with no vomiting for at least 24 hours. Lice: We keep a close eye out for lice by checking the hair of children periodically and also watching carefully for any child persistently scratching his/her head. Children will not be readmitted until 24 hours after treatment and must be nit free. Common Cold Policy Children suffering from a common cold will be assessed on an individual basis. Factors of consideration include the developmental level of your child in congruence with our ability to limit the spread of germs. Medication Administration Policy If your child/ren is prescribed medication the school must be informed. In special situations we will accommodate where it is deemed absolutely necessary by the physician that the medication be given during school hours. The parent is urged, with the help of your child’s physician, to work out a schedule of giving medication at home, outside school hours whenever possible. Weather permitting; students go outside to play every day. If you feel your child is too sick to go outside, please keep him or her home from school. Emergency Care In the event of an emergency, the school will call 911 and Hatzalah first, so your child may be transported by ambulance to the nearest medical facility. Parents will be contacted immediately following the 911 call. A teacher will accompany the child in the ambulance, in the event the parent does not arrive in time. Please remember to keep your emergency contact information up to date. We must be able to reach you at any time during the school day.
FoodFOR SAFETY REASONS, STUDENTS MAY NOT SHARE FOOD WITH ONE ANOTHER! Each child should come to school with: A morning snack (must be healthy) A lunch in a lunch box or backpack Lunch should consist of a main meal and a healthy dessert. Please do NOT send a lunchbox full of snacks as this is unhelpful when encouraging kids to eat a productive and nutritious lunch. One snack for lunchtime and one for afternoon snack are plenty. A carb snack for the afternoon (cookies, granola, crackers, cereal, chips …) A water bottle Your child is strongly encouraged to bring a reusable water bottle. We ask that the bottles brought in are non sprayable and have an easy to remove cap. The bottle can be left at school in the kitchen for the week and go back home with your child on Friday. Children without water bottles are welcome to use the school Brita or water fountain. We are a candy free school including birthday parties and special occasion party treats. Please keep lunch as healthy as possible. We ask to refrain from sending juice boxes and allow your child to drink fresh water. Due to allergies in the school we ask that you not bring certain foods for safety and health reasons. We will assess class allergies and notify you forwith. We offer a healthy, fresh and nutritious hot lunch option. The hot lunch is available at a cost of $6 per day. We also offer the option of only taking hot lunch (pizza) on Fridays for $6 a week. As well, we offer a daily morning fruit and afternoon snack together with the hot lunch option for $10 per day. Please contact Morah Sharone for more information.
UniformYour child is required to wear a Pardes uniform shirt. Boys can wear royal blue or white polo shirts with the school logo. Bottoms can be of any style and color. Boys need to wear a Kippah and Tzitzit. Girls can wear royal blue or white polo shirts with the school logo or a navy polo dress with the school logo. Bottoms must be skirts and can be of any color/style. Skirts length should be at the knee Girls are allowed to wear mascara and see through lip gloss Attaching nails is not allowed as it will be difficult to type. For a family event we ask for the nails to not be too long, so that students won't return to school with extra long nails. Nail polish is fine. Earrings that are huggies are allowed. We do not allow hanging earrings due to safety reasons. Purses are not allowed in school. If they are brought in they must be kept in the backpack. Platform shoes are only allowed if not deemed too high due to safety reasons. Heels are not allowed as well. Hair style is up to the students discretion to allow their self expression. Shoes must be closed toed and firm fitting (sneakers are recommended). All uniforms are available to purchase through the school. Morah Sharone will be in charge of collecting your orders via text. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Geoff to set up an appointment with Rabbi Druin.
BirthdaysWe would LOVE to celebrate your child’s birthday, let us know and we will P.A.R.T.Y!!! We set aside time on Friday to make a fuss of the birthday child and then give out a birthday treat sent in by the birthday child. The treat must be pareve or Chalav Yisroel and store bought. We encourage you to donate on the occasion of your child’s birthday a gift from our Amazon wishlist. We will send a form home to be filled out and sent back. We feel that all children should celebrate their birthday with friends! We ask that when making a birthday party for your child, please be mindful of other children’s feelings when throwing a party outside of school. If you feel like throwing a party outside of school, please either invite the entire class or make it more “personal” with only a couple of close friends. No one wants their child to feel left out! Please contact Mr. Geoff to schedule your child’s birthday celebration.
HomeworkWe will never send homework for the sake of homework! We will also never send homework that turns into homework for parents! However, to prepare students for high school and beyond, we will be doing nightly Hebrew and English reading practice. Studies show that daily reading practice (which we will of course be doing in school also) has a significant impact on their reading ability. At times we may assign students special projects to do at home that are expected to be completed. These projects are not often and you will be notified in advance.
CommunicationIn addition to face to face contact we will communicate occasionally via text message, email, as well as a WhatsApp group for collective use. Please also follow us on Instagram @pardesdayschool for daily stories and posts. There will be a weekly newsletter where you will get information on your child’s week and what to expect for the following week. Please come to us with any comments or concerns. We are always open to discussing any issues. We also urge you to make us aware of any changes in your child’s life (parent away, not sleeping well at night, change in routine....) as this can have a big effect on one's behavior and it is important that we take this into account! We ask that for any issues, teachers should always be the first point of contact. In the event of a problem that cannot be resolved directly with the teacher, please contact Mr. Geoff to set up a meeting with Rabbi Druin. However, in cases of emergency, please reach out immediately to Rabbi Druin directly. For any other logistical issues, we ask you to please contact Sharone or Chayala at the front office who can help answer any questions you may have. Examples may be things such as uniform orders, lunch, pickup and drop off, etc. Please refrain from texting your child’s teacher during school hours. If you have an important message, please contact Mr. Geoff to get the communication through. In addition, please be respectful of the staff’s time and do not contact them at anti-social hours (before 8am or after 9pm) and be mindful of their response time. If there is a delayed response of more than 48 hours, please contact a member of the administration team. Report cards will be sent home twice throughout the school year, at the the end of the second and fourth quarter. Progress reports will be completed twice throughout the school year at the end of the first and third semester. There will also be an online dashboard to monitor progress. Details will be provided.
Social and EmotionalOur school prides itself on not judging or categorizing our students as good or bad, rather, we focus on acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. In our school, the children shall not be subjected to discipline which is severe, humiliating or frightening. Discipline shall not be associated with recess time, food or toileting. Any form of physical punishment is prohibited. We will not use physical or verbal responses which would demean a child. When necessary, we may decide to remove a child temporarily from a situation. We may keep the child in the office in a safe environment in order to calm him down, regroup and discuss the issue. We will allow them to return when they can cope with the situation in an acceptable manner. This year we are working on implementing policies that will help teach children problem solving skills. Children may have behaviors that are maladaptive in a school setting. Our goal is to use these maladaptive behaviors as a teachable moment for a child to learn important problem solving skills to help them overcome any challenging situations. Certain behaviors are deemed more maladaptive than others. We have a ZERO tolerance policy towards inappropriate physical contact (like hitting, pushing, biting, profane gestures) AND inappropriate language (profane words, cursing, insulting, swearing,…) AND bullying AND cyber-bullying. Due to safety concerns, our school policy on inappropriate physical contact employs a 2-strike system. The first instance results in a warning, and on the second occurrence, parents will be notified. We prioritize maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. We are thrilled to announce that we have hired Mr. Adam Eshel to lead out SEL department and Mrs. Shelly Kranz as our dedicated school counselor. More detailed information and a proper introduction to follow.
Important Contact InformationRabbi Druin - - (305)-527-1038 Mr. Geoff - - (305)-439-8082 Ms. T. - - (786)-636-8833 Rabbi Ovadya - - (347)-815-7709 Rabbi Josh - - (305)-528-6488 Morah Sarah Miriam - - (954)-736-0365 Morah Nirit - - (305)-407-0187 Morah Sharone - - (305)-725-5548 Morah Katy - - (786)-352-2522 Morah Chayale - - (305)-690-2548 Looking forward to an incredible year!
School ExpectationsWe honor Hashem in our words and actions Respect is what we give, respect is what we get We value our academics and Judaic principles We strive to have good days on purpose We use our words to encourage and uplift each other
Curriculum StandardsPardes has written curriculum standards that cater to our students through differentiated instruction and are consistent with State and National standards. Some of our subject areas include: Judaic studies, english language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, earth science , and physical education.
Judaic StudiesChumash: Dive into the profound wisdom of the Chumash as we explore selected verses and delve into new Rashi commentaries. The journey from Bereishis/Shemos to Sefer Bamidbar brings forth fascinating insights into our heritage. Gemara: Unravel the intricate world of Mishnah, Gemara, and Meforshim as we engage in Shakkla V'Tarya and Machlokes. Analytical thinking and a deeper understanding of our Talmudic tradition are emphasized. Navi: Experience the epic tales of our ancestors through the study of Navi. Our students engage in storyline exploration, textual studies, and research projects to bring history alive. Halacha: Navigate the practical world of Halacha as we interact with the meaningful sections of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. This course provides a rich understanding of our traditions and laws, guiding students in leading a meaningful Jewish life. Biur Tefillah: Develop a personal connection with Jewish prayer as we explore the meanings and themes embedded within our liturgy. Jewish History: Travel through time, from the era of Avraham to the present, to gain a holistic view of our past and build a strong Jewish identity. Torah VR: Experience the future of Jewish education with Torah VR, where the 613 Mitzvos come to life through immersive experiences and VR development learning. Yediyos Klolios (Comprehensive Knowledge): Acquire a well-rounded Jewish education, deepening your knowledge and appreciation of our rich tradition. Yomim Tovim: Live and learn the Jewish calendar, experiencing the beauty of our traditions and the significance of each holiday. Ivrit (Hebrew Language): Strengthen your connection to our heritage through an enriching study of the Hebrew language, expanding vocabulary and honing Kriah and Kesiva skills. Parsha Study: Form a deep and meaningful bond with our sacred text as we connect personally with the weekly Torah portion, preparing a text-based Dvar Torah each week.
English Language ArtsCollections is a language arts curriculum that provides instruction and the opportunity for students to learn how to debate, express and communicate through written and oral presentations. Students will learn to read, research, write and speak using textbooks and internet resources. Understanding how to write and speak using the conventions of standard english. Students will have an understanding of credible and reliable sources and how to give credit for these sources to avoid plagiarism. By the end of the year students will know how to read different genres of literature and summarize and create writing samples that show a proficient understanding of grammar and usage. Students will be able to write, speak and debate in an organized and grammatically correct manner. Curriculum Content 1. Dealing with Disaster A. Informational Text B. Poetry C. Short Story D. History Writing E. Newspaper Article F. Documentary 2. Facing Fear A. Short Story B. Poetry C. Online Articles D. Magazine articles E. Informational text 3. Making your Voices Heard A. Short Story B. Editorial C. Commentary D. Informational Text E. Poetry 4. Decisions that Matter A. Memoir B. Biography C. Autobiography D. Short Story E. Poetry F. News article G. TV Newscast 5. Animal Intelligence A. Short Story B. Speech C. Poetry D. Science Writing E. Informational Text 6. What Tales Tell A. Greek Mythology B. Poetry C. Chinese Folk Tale D. Drama E. Novel F. Graphic Story G. Essay Curriculum Goals PD.ELA 6.1 Students will be able to read, write and summarize information using sentence structure and grammar rules PD.ELA 6.2 Students will know how to build a strong argument using credible sources and persuasive techniques PD.ELA6.3 Students will learn to read informational text and organize information to write a summary with precise language and vocabulary PD. ELA6.4 Students will write a multi-character narrative from different points of view PD.ELA6.5 Students will use the writing process to create summaries and short stories from brainstorming to publishing PD.ELA6.6 Students will conduct research using the internet and textbook materials verifying credibility, reliability and usefulness PD.ELA6.7 Students will learn how to outline textual information, summarize, paraphrase and quote credible sources\ PD.ELA6.8 Students will speak, listen and have group discussions in an organized manner after establishing and following a procedure PD.ELA 6.9 Students will analyze and evaluate presentations for purpose, credibility and reliability PD.ELA 7.1 Students will understand their audience and how to deliver a presentation in style with relevant information. PD.ELA 7.2 Students will create audio, video and images using computer software and programs State Standards Conventions of Standard English LAFS.6.L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking LASF.6.L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing Craft and Structure LAFS.6.RL.2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative LAFS.6.RL.2.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text Vocabulary Acquisition and Use LAFS.6.L.3.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies LAFS.6.L.3.5 Demonstrated understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings LAFS.6.L.3.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression Key Ideas and Details LAFS.6.RL.1.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text LAFS.6.RL.1.2 Determine a theme or central ideas of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgements LAFS.6.RL.1.3 Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity LAFS.6.RL.4.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range Text Types and Purposes LAFS.6.W.1.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. LAFS.6.W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization and analysis of relevant content. Research to Build and Present Knowledge LAFS.6.W.3.8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources Production and Distribution of Writing LAFS.6.W.2.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. LAFS.6.W.2.5 With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting or trying a new approach Range of Writing LAFS.6.W.4.10 Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline specific tasks, purposes and audiences Knowledge of language LAFS.6.L.2.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking reading, or listening LAFS.6.L.3.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies LAFS.6.L.3.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings LAFS.6.L.3.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression Integration of Knowledge and Ideas LAFS.6.RL.3.9 Compare and contrast one author’s presentation of events with that of another (primary and secondary resources) Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas LAFS.6.SL.2.4 Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume and clear pronunciation. LAFS.6.SL.2.5 Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify information Comprehension and Collaboration LAFS.6.SL.1.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly LAFS.6.SL.1.3 Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, distinguishing claims, that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not Outcomes Students will gain and retain the following skills: Collaborative work Inference based on evidence Reading complex text from a variety of genres Analyze informational text for supporting evidence Research a variety of media for credible sources Proficiency in reading comprehension, grammatical writing, oral presentation and enriched vocabulary Process of planning, producing, revising, and presenting written and verbal presentations. Assessment Students will take Growth Measurement tests provided by Houghton Mifflin. Students will be assigned writing projects to assess grammar and conventional standards of English. Reading comprehension and vocabulary tests will be administered bi-weekly. Students will not receive a physical grade but they will have to study and make any corrections on their test using textbook and internet resources when applicable. Students will have debates and presentations used as performance assessments.
MathThe Go Math curriculum equips students with math skills through hands-on activities, group collaboration and stimulating exploration of concepts. Students apply math skills to real world applications. Through observation and group work students discover new ways to solve mathematical problems. Students will choose the best method to solve math problems using manipulatives and problem solving skills. Curriculum Content 1. Whole Numbers and Decimals A. Divide Multi-Digit Numbers B. Prime Factorization C. Least Common Multiples D. Greatest Common Factor E. Add and Subtract Decimals F. Multiply Decimals G. Divide Decimals by Whole numbers H. Divide with decimals 2. Fractions A. Fractions and decimals B. Compare and Order Fractions C. Multiply Fractions D. Simplify Factors E. Model Fraction Division F. Divide Fractions G. Divide Mixed Numbers 3. Expressions A. Exponents B. Evaluated Expressions Involving Exponents C. Write and Identify Parts of Algebraic Expression and formulas D. Use Algebraic Expressions E. Identify Equivalent Expressions 4. Relationships between variables A. Independent and dependent variables B. Equations and Tables C. Graph Relationships D. Equations and Graphs 5. Area A. Area of Parallelograms B. Area of Triangle C. Area of Trapezoids D. Area of Composite figures E. Figures on the Coordinate plane 6. Surface area and volume A. Three Dimensional Figures and Nets B. Surface Area C. Volume of rectangular prisms 7. Units of measurement A. Convert Units B. Transform units C. Distance, Rate, and Time Intervals 8. Percents A. Model Percents B. Percents, Fractions and Decimals C. Percent of a quantity D. Find the Whole from a percent 9. Rates & Ratios A. Ratios and Rates B. Equivalent Ratios C. Use Equivalent Ratios D. Find Unit Rates E. Use unit rates F. Equivalent Ratios and Graphs 10. Rational Numbers A. Understand Positive and Negative numbers B. Compare and order integers C. Rational Numbers and the Number line D. Compare and order rational numbers E. Absolute value F. Rational numbers and the Coordinate plane G. Ordered pair relationships H. Distance on the Coordinate Plane 11. Equations and Inequalities A. Solutions of Equations B. Write Equations C. Solve Addition and Subtraction Equations D. Solve Multiplication and Division Equations E. Solutions for Inequalities F. Write and graph Inequalities 12. Data Displays and Measures of Center A. Recognize statistical questions B. Describe Data Collection C. Dot plots and frequency tables D. Histograms E. Mean as a Fair Share and Balance Point F. Measures of Center G. Effects of Outliers 13. Variability & Data distribution A. Box Plots B. Mean Absolute Deviation C. Measures of variability D. Choose and Apply Appropriate Measures of Center and Variability E. Describe Distributions PD.Math1.1 Students will learn to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, including fractions greater than one and mixed numbers as a pre-skill to multiplying and dividing fractions PD.Math1.2 Students will solve real-world problems using the four operations, fractions and whole numbers as a pre-skill to using multiple strategies to solve mathematical problems PD.Math1.3 Students will be able to explain how to solve problems verbally, memorizing formulas and understanding the appropriate time to use them. PD.Math1.4 Students will proficiently divide multi-digit numbers using the customary formula PD.Math1.5 Students will be able to identify the greatest common factor and least common multiple of two whole numbers PD. Math1.6 Students will be able to solve mathematical problems using the assigned property (i.e. distributive, communicative, etc.) PD.Math 1.7 Students will be able to write the prime factorization of a number PD.Math 1.8 Students will be able to compute multi-digit decimal using the operations of math. PD.Math 2.1 Students will understand line diagrams and coordinate axes on a given line and how to apply this to real-world instances. PD.Math2.2 Students will be able to understand fractions as decimals and vice versa. PD. Math2.3 Students will learn to plot numbers on a given number line using rational numbers and integers. PD.Math2.4 Students will learn to locate and place pairs of integers and other rational numbers on a coordinate plane. PD.Math2.5 Students will learn to order rational numbers PD.Math2.6 Students will learn to determine the absolute value of rational numbers PD.Math2.7 Students will be able to use visual models and equations to solve problems PD.Math.3.1 Students will be able to understand positive and negative numbers as it relates to temperature, sea level, credits/debits) PD.Math.3.2 Students will be able to comprehend the position of number line P.D. Math 3.3 Students will be able to interpret and explain inequalities and the order for rational numbers. P.D. Math 3.4 Students will be able to compare and order integers PD.Math3.5 Students will understand quadrants and how to plot numbers on a coordinate plane PD.Math3.6 Students will be able to explain the relationship between points on a coordinate plane PD.Math3.7 Students will be able to solve mathematical problems as it relates to the real world using graphs, quadrants and the coordinate plane. PD.Math.4.1 Students will be able to explain ratios and the ratio relationship between two quantities. PD.Math.4.2 Students will learn the concept and jargon in context of a ratio PD.Math.4.3 Students will be able to use multiplication to find equivalent ratios PD.Math.4.4Students will learn to use tables to solve problems involving equivalent ratios PD.Math.4.4 Students will be able to use unit rates to make comparisons in multiple ways. PD.Math5.1 Students will be able use a model to show percentages as a rate per 100 PD.Math5.2 Students will be able to write percentages as fractions and decimals PD.Math5.3 Students will be able to write decimals and fractions as percentages. PD.Math6.1 Students will be able to convert units within a measurement system PD.Math6.2 Students will be able to convert units to solve problems. PD.Math6.3 Students will be able to solve problems involving distance, rate and time. PD.Math7.1 Students will understand how to write and solve numerical expressions using exponents PD.Math7.2 Students will learn how to compute a mathematical equation using the order of operations PD.Math7.3 Students will understand math jargon and how to identify parts of a numerical and algebraic expression PD.Math7.4 Students will learn how to write algebraic expressions using variables PD.Math7.5 Students will be able to compute algebraic expressions or standard formulas such as Order of operations, area, perimeter PD.Math7.6 Students will be able to solve algebraic expressions using strategies of combining like-terms and order of operations. PD.Math7.7 Students can identify equivalent algebraic expressions PD.Math7.8 Students can determine whether a number is a solution of an equation PD.Math8.1 Students will solve real-world and mathematical equations using variables PD.Math8.2 Students can determine whether a number is a solution of an inequality PD.Math8.3 Students will be to graph inequalities on a number line to represent real-world situations PD.Math9.1 Students will understand the difference between independent and dependent variables. PD.Math10.1 Students will be able to evaluate the area of parallelograms, rectangles, triangles, polygons and other shapes PD.Math10.2 Students will be able to find the area of composite figures PD.Math10.3 Students will be able to compute the missing lengths using the coordinate plane PD.Math11.1 Students will be able to evaluate the surface area of three dimensional shapes PD.Math11.2 Students will be able to find the volume through a formula in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems. PD.Math12.1 Students will be able to create and identify questions that pertain to statistics PD.Math12.2 Students will be able to explain data and how it is collected and displayed. PD.Math12.3 Students will be able to organize data using dot plots, box plots, a number line and histograms PD.Math12.4 Students will have an understanding of mean, median, mode, range and how to find the value PD.Math12.5 Students will be able to explain a set of data using mean, median and mode PD.Math13.1 Students will be able to summarize a data set using range, interquartile range and mean absolute deviation PD.Math13.2 Students will be able to explain measures of center and variability to describe a data set PD.Math13.3 Students will be able to explain data to answer statistical questions Student Outcomes Students are expected to comprehend the following skills: Model with mathematics Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct arguments and critique reasoning of others Use appropriate tools and formulas to solve problems strategically Assessments In Go Math students will be assessed using the Growth Measure Assessment included in the curriculum so that students are assessed on material they learned. Students are also given lesson quizzes and unit tests. Tests include paper/pencil, electronic and performance assessments using models, graphs and charts. Each lesson comes complete with Summative Chapter Review assessments, found at the end of each chapter in the textbook. State Standards 6.NS.2 Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples. 6.NS.1 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions. 6.EE.1 Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions 6.EE.2 Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities. 6.G.1 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area and volume. 6.EP Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. 6.NS.3 Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers. 6.SP.1 Develop understanding of statistical variability 6.S.P.2 Summarize and describe distributions on a number line, dot plots, histograms and box plots.
World GeographyMiddle School social studies is a geography-based curriculum designed to lay a foundation of the world’s landscapes, natural resources and a practical knowledge of the world. It is expected that they will work to develop an understanding of those with whom they are from a different race, region, religion and culture. In geography, students will explore the physical and cultural world through a variety of learning resources and differentiated instruction. Students will be able to answer the Essential Questions, building on prior knowledge to support their ideas and give educated opinions. When the school year has ended, students will have increased their knowledge of the world they live in and the history of the people we share the world with. Students will learn about the world we live in and the establishment of varying empires, cultures and religions. Students will understand how geography and history shape the world we live in today. Content Outline 1. A Geographer’s World A. Branches of Geography B. Themes of Geography C. Geographer’s Tools 2. The Physical World A. Earth and Sun’s Energy B. Water on Earth C. The Land D. Weather and Climate E. Natural Resources 3. The Human World A. Culture B. Population C. Settlement patterns D. Human Environment Interaction 4. Government and Citizenship A. World Governments B. Citizenships 5. Economics A. Basics and systems B. Money and Banking C. Living in Global Economy 6. The United States A. History and Culture B. USA today 7. Canada A. History and Culture B. Canada today 8. Early Civilizations of Latin America A. The Olmec and the Maya B. The Aztecs C. Andean Civilization 9. Mexico A. History and Culture B. Mexico Today 10. Central America and the Caribbean 11. South American A. Brazil B. Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay C. Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas 12. Europe Before 1700s A. Prehistoric Cultures B. Ancient Greece C. Roman Empire D. Byzantine Empire E. Middle Ages F. Renaissance and Reformation 13. History of Modern Europe A. Science and Exploration B. Political Change in Europe C. The Industrial Revolution D. World War I E. World War II F. Europe Since 1945 14. Southern Europe A. Greece and Italy B. Spain and Portugal 15. Western Europe A. France and Benelux Countries B. Germany and Alpine Countries C. The British Isles D. Scandinavia 16. Eastern Europe A. Poland and Baltic Republics B. Inland Eastern Europe C. Balkan Countries 17. Russian and the Caucasus 18. Early Civilization of the Fertile Crescent and the Nile A. River Valley Civilizations B. Sumerian Civilization C. Later Peoples of the Fertile Crescent D. Geography and the Nile Valley Kingdoms E. The Middle and New Kingdoms F. Kingdoms of Kush Curriculum Goals PDWG 6.1 Students will learn to view the world in new ways through their understanding of physical and human geography. PDWG 6.2 Students will better understand the world by studying maps, understanding geographic features and using geographers’ tools. PDWG 6.3 Students investigate the division of the world into regions and continents and begin to ask geographic questions to analyze the changing perspectives represented by maps. They access a variety of sources to discover the value of different types of sources. PDWG 6.4 Students will identify physical features, climates, and resources in the regions of the United States PDWG 6.5 Students explore the elements and nature of physical processes of the earth, with attention to how these processes can lead to natural disaster and peoples’ reaction to them. They draw evidence from diverse types of resources, including text, maps and photographs. PDWG 6.6 Students will discover how immigration shaped democracy, history, government and culture in the United States PDWG 6.7 Students will understand how early settlers adapted to their environment and developed agriculture. PDWG 6.8 Students will learn about the formation, culture, and civilization of the following: Greek Empire Roman Empire Byzantine Empire PDWG 6.9 Students will understand the influence of religion and social systems in Europe in the Middle Ages PDWG 7.1 Students will learn how the Renaissance and Reformation periods introduced new ways of thinking in Europe PDWG 7.3 Students will understand how the first civilizations were formed in Mesopotamia. PDWG 7.4 Students will understand how war helped shape democracy and civilization. PDWG 7.5 Students will learn how fresh water stabilizes a civilization. PDWG 7.6 Students will discover farming techniques that supported the growth of civilization PDWG 7.7 Students will explore Egyptian civilization and how religion and the Nile River influenced the roles in society and trade. PDWG 7.8 Students will understand the roles in society, military power, and government influence on Egypt. PDWG 7.9 Students will learn how laws and government powers helped shape trading power in Kush and Egypt PDWG 7.1b Students will study the development of Indian civilization along the Indus River. PDWG 7.2b Students will understand how religion and politics have a culture affect on the world then and today PDWG 7.3b Students will learn the religions of India such as: Buddhism and Hinduism and how they developed and grew. PDWG 7.4b Students will learn about the development and reign of Indian Empires such as Mauryas, the Guptas, and the Mughals Empires and their contributions to the arts and sciences. State Standards Critically analyze media to assess different viewpoints and detect bias, opinion, and stereotypes. Listen open-mindedly to views contrary to their own. Collaboratively develop and practice strategies for managing and resolving conflict. Demonstrate understanding of democratic values and processes. Make informed and reasoned decisions. Accept decisions that are made for the common good. Critical Thinking Skills Identify main issues Evaluate information from various sources Distinguish between verifiable and unverifiable data Draw inferences Distinguish between fact and opinion Develop debating skills Draw conclusions Use a grid system to locate places Identify and interpret map symbols Locate physical and political features Understand scales and projections Compare various maps Use maps to understand and explain historical and current events Picture, Chart, Graph, and Table Interpretation Skills Interpret pictures, apply information and draw conclusions Understand cartoons as a means to express views and interpret the view expressed Interpret the information given on graphs, charts, and tables, and draw inferences from the data Relate the information from pictures, charts, graphs and tables with that gained from other sources Understand and construct timelines Chronology and Time Skills Understand the idea of historical time Use timelines Understand what makes historical periods different Recognize the causes and effects of prejudice on individuals, groups, and society. Recognize the value of cultural diversity, as well as the potential for misunderstanding. Listen open-mindedly to views contrary to their own. Demonstrate understanding of democratic values and processes. Make informed and reasoned decisions. Outcomes Students will obtain knowledge and the following skills: Sequence of events Reading comprehension Critical thinking skills Compare and contrast Use of graphic organizers Assessments Students will be assessed on vocabulary, reading comprehension, lesson quizzes, unit tests and graphic organizer activities. Students will also be given quarterly projects to display learning through the arts and technology.
ScienceInto Science: Earth and Space Sciences is a curriculum designed to provide differentiated instruction for struggling students, on-level learners and advanced students. Each unit provides students with opportunities to work in groups and connect lessons to real world experiences and other academic areas. Earth and Space Sciences explore the Earth, natural resources and human interaction. Students will study the weather, climate and natural disasters across the United States. They will apply concepts to real world experiences where they gain knowledge and methods to make meaningful connections with issues and topics that influence regions. Content Outline 1. Earth’s Natural Hazards A. Natural Hazard Prediction B. Engineer It: Reducing the Effects of Natural Hazards 2. Circulation of Earth’s Air and Water A. Circulation in Earth’s Atmosphere B. Circulation in Earth’s Oceans C. The Water Cycle 3. Weather and Climate A. Weather and Weather prediction B. Influences on Climate 4. Resources in Earth A. Natural Resources B. Human Population and Resource Use C. Resource Use and Earth’s Systems 5. Human Impacts on Earth Systems A. Engineer It: Reducing Human Impacts on the Environment B. Climate Change 6. The Dynamic Earth A. Geologic Change and Surface Processes B. The Rock Cycle C. Earth’s Plates 7. Earth Through Time A. The Age of Earth’s Rocks B. Earth’s History 8. The Solar System and Universe A. Earth and Solar System B. Gravity and Universe C. Modeling in Space Science 9. Patterns in the Solar System A. The Earth-Sun-Moon System B. Season Curriculum Goals Earth’s Natural Hazards PDES 6.1 Students will be interpret graphs and charts on natural disasters PDES 6.2 Students will be able to hypothesize scientific outcomes using experimentation and observation Circulation of Earth’s Air and Water PDES 6.3 Students will be able to create models describing the water cycle propelled by energy from the sun and the force of gravity PDES 6.4 Students will understand regional climate and patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation Weather and Climate PDES 6.7 Students will collect data to provide evidence for how the motions and complex interactions of air masses results in changes in weather conditions PDES 6.8 Students will be able to explain interactions that cause changes in weather and influence regional climates The Dynamic Earth PDES 6.7 Students will be understand academic vocabulary and the distinct scientific meanings of these words PDES 6.8 Students will be able to create models to explain cycles and processes of Earth’s materials and energies that propel these processes PDES 6.9 Students will be able to create and interpret data using charts and graphs Earth Through Time PDES 6.8 Students will be able to construct a scientific explanation basic on information learned content on Earth’s 4.6 billion-year-old history PDES 6.9 Students will be able to identify the difference between relative dating and absolute dating and how it applies to real world events PDES 7.1 Students will create a model and show understanding of water cycles PDES 7.2 Students will be able to predict regional climates based on the heating and rotation of the Earth PDES 7.3 Students will be able to create a model of the solar system PDES 7.4 Students will understand cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons PDES 7.5 Students will learn about the phases of the moon PDES 7.6 Students will understand the cause of how lunar and solar eclipses occur PDES 7.7 Students will understand the motion of the sun as it pertains to night and day The Solar System and Universe PDES 7.8 Students will be able to explain the role of gravity in the solar system PDES 7.9 Students will be able to research, analyze and argue claims using credible sources about the gravitational interactions in the solar system. PDES 7.1.1 Students will be able to recall the planets in the solar system Patterns in the Solar System PDES 7.1.2 Students will be able to create a model of the Solar System PDES 7.1.3 Students will understand the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons State Standards RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts. RST.6-8.9 Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic. WHST.6-8.2.a-f Write informative/ explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes SL.8.5 Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen understanding and evidence and add interest. MS ETS1-3 Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success. MS-ESS3-2 Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects. 6.E.2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the interactions within Earth’s systems that regulate weather and climate. MS-Ess2-6 Develop and use a model to describe how unequal heating and rotation of the Earth cause patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that determine regional climates. MS-ESS2-5 Collect data to provide evidence for how the motions and complex interactions of air masses result in changes in weather conditions. MS-ESS3-4 Construct an argument supported by evidence for how increases in human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources impact Earth’s systems MS-ESS3-3 Apply Scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment. MS-Ess2-4 Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth’s systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity. MS-ESS2-3 Analyze and interpret data on the distribution of fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures to provide evidence of the past plate motions. MS-ESS3-1 Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how the uneven distribution of Earth’s mineral, energy and groundwater are the result of past and current geoscience processes. MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons. MS-ESS1-3 Analyze and interpret data to determine scale properties of objects in the solar system. MS-ESS1-4 Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth’s 4.6 billion year old history Outcomes Through a comprehensive Science curriculum students will gain the following skills: Experimentation Exploration Hypothesize Collaborative work Analyze and investigate Design and Predict Assessment Students will conduct hands-on laboratory experiments and they will be required to record their findings. The curriculum uses formative assessments in the form of quizzes and graphic organizers. These assessments monitor learning to identify areas of improvement. Summative assessments will be given to students in the form of final projects, chapter tests, and written works.
Standard TestingThrough Houghton Mifflin, students will take a diagnostic test and two assessments to monitor growth or regression in Math and ELA. The Growth Measurement assessment will identify students' weaknesses and give teachers and parents the data necessary to create a plan of action to strengthen weaknesses and put students on a path to success. It will also highlight student success to ensure we enable every child to reach their full potential.
Test Window ScheduleEnabled test windows allow Growth Measures to be assigned to students. Three test windows (beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30 of the following year) make up a default academic year. Growth Measures are meant to be administered once per test window. Test windows are enabled by default but can be disabled or modified to reflect the unique structure of a school or school district.
Test Window DefaultsBeginning of Year (BOY): July 1 – October 31 Middle of Year (MOY): November 1 – March 1 End of Year (EOY): March 2 – Jun 30, 2023 Each chapter comes with a test and multiple quizzes. Students will be expected to study for assessments. All incorrect answers will be corrected by students using their resources (i.e. classwork, text book, previous quizzes) to find the correct answers.
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